Performance Solutions
When it comes to performance based design, the most important thing is getting the right solution when you need it. DDEG have a proven track record of delivering leading solutions across all building types and are now offering performance solutions across all disciplines including:
Fire Safety Engineering
Disability Access
Occupant Safety
And all other parts of the built environment.
DDEG delivers outstanding quality, design and delivery timeframes through our team of over 30 professionals that specialise in Performance Solutions.
Our focus is on the client's needs which means easy to understand documentation backed up with client engagement. So whether it's a backyard verandah or an iconic architectural design, we've got the resources and capability to help deliver your next project.
To learn more about Fire Engineering, Fire Safety Engineering, Performance Solutions, Alternative Solutions, Fire Engineer Melbourne -
To learn more about Access Consulting, Disability Access Consulting, DDA Compliance, Egress Consultants, Disability Access Performance Solutions, Disability Access Design Review, Liveable Housing, Specialist Disability Accommodation, Access Audits, Disability Access Consultant Melbourne -
To learn more about Acoustic Engineer, Acoustic Consultants, Building Acoustics, Environmental Noise, Industrial Noise, OHS Noise, Traffic Noise, Vibration Isolation, Acoustic Testing, Vibration Monitoring, Acoustic Monitoring, Vibration Testing, Acoustic Engineering Consultants Melbourne -
More About Performance Solutions
Performance Solutions are the technical justification of solutions that may not comply with the prescriptive provisions of the National Construction Code (NCC).
If we think about Fire Safety, by measuring the level of safety of a design against a design that complies with the prescriptive provisions, it is demonstrated that an adequate level of safety is met and can be accepted by authorities and then approval can be given for permits. This is an example of a pathway that allows our team to provide performance solutions.
Performance Solutions which were previously known as Alternative Solutions allow building surveyors to accept building solutions that do not comply with the prescriptive provisions of the National Construction Code. Their use has been written into the Code for over 20 years. These days they include Fire Safety Engineering, Disability Access and many other parts of the built environment.
Performance Solutions can facilitate architectural freedom, improved amenity, cost and space savings. So when your design is unable to comply with the National Construction Code or you want to push design boundaries beyond what the prescriptive requirements allow, DDEG are the right team to help you get an approved solution.
To learn more about Fire Engineered Performance Solutions, Fire Safety Consultants, Fire Safety Performance Solutions, Performance Solution (Alternative Solution), Fire Safety Engineer Consultant Melbourne -
To learn more about Disability Access Consulting Performance Solutions, Disability Access Alternative Solutions, Alternatives to DDA Compliance, Egress Performance Solutions, Disability Access Performance Solutions, Disability Access Design, Disability Access Consultants Melbourne -
To learn more about Acoustic Engineering, Acoustic Engineering Consultants, Building Acoustic Engineering, Environmental Noise Minimisation, Industrial Noise, OHS Noise, Acoustic Testing, Vibration Monitoring, Acoustic Monitoring, Vibration Testing, Acoustic Engineering Consultants Melbourne
Council Building Notice, Council Building Order - Show Cause
Being served with a council building notice or building order is difficult and stressful for building owners.
Whether it's existing conditions or building works completed without permits, we understand and are willing to help. Clearly, the most important thing is addressing the items to the satisfaction of the council, or VBA.
We've helped many building owners on a wide range of projects by engaging with authorities and resolving issues with a minimum of building rectification works.
Our professional indemnity insurance permits us to work on all projects including cladding rectification.
Building notices typically require a respondent to “Show Cause” as to why one or a number of prescriptive directions should not be carried out. The directions can range from simply installing smoke alarms to not why the building should not be occupied. In order to respond to the show cause notice, a solution is required and often a performance solution will be a more viable alternative than simply following the prescriptive directions.
To learn more about Fire Safety Performance Solutions to respond to a Building Notice, a Performance Solution to respond to a Building Order, Fire Safety Engineering, Responding to a Building Notice, Responding to a Building Order, showing cause for a building notice, showing cause for a building order -